Setting Fitness Goals With a Waist Trainer
Waist Trainer Knowledge

Setting Fitness Goals With a Waist Trainer

Now that you've said goodbye to 2022, it's time to think about your future fitness goals for the upcoming 2023 year. However, it's common knowledge that many people form new year's resolutions and then quickly abandon them. Why does that happen? And more importantly, how do you prevent that from happening to you?

Setting goals in January can be a good strategy to get your headspace in the right direction. Letting go of the past and looking forward to the future will help you achieve those goals. Setting unrealistic goals, though, is a recipe for disaster. Though your goals are designed to push you out of your comfort zone, if those goals are too large or unattainable for where you are currently, then you are unlikely to stick to them.

Starting with smaller achievable fitness goals is the first step towards real results. We'll go over some waist training fitness goals that are perfect for the new year, as they are entirely manageable for people at all stages of their fitness journey. Plus, we'll go over helpful tips to keep your motivation high throughout the year, so that you can achieve your goals.

Start Small

With the new year, your motivation to create a noticeable change in your life is probably at an all-time high. However, with waist training, it's best to acclimate your body to the garment slowly. While you may want to start with the most aggressive trainer for eight hours a day, that is not the best choice for your body. 

You should start small by wearing a waist trainer for short periods of time consistently. So wearing this hybrid compression waist trainer for two hours every day for a full week will be the best way to get started. Though it has a lot of support and sculpting capabilities, it's still flexible enough for you to go about your daily life. 

Work Your Way up to Daily Wear

Though you should start small by wearing the waist trainer for short amounts of time, eventually you'll be able to work your way up to consistent all-day wear. After your first week, you should slowly start clocking in more hours wearing the trainer. With consistent effort and use, you'll work your way up to eight or ten hours of daily wear. 

You may even find that you want to increase your compression level for either some of the time or all day. This high-compression waist trainer will tightly squeeze your core as you go about your daily life, getting you the results you want quickly. If one of your long-term fitness goals is to lose weight, using this waist trainer is a small step in the right direction, as it's a great way to burn fat and train your abdomen muscles.

Stay Consistent With a Schedule

One of the best tips to follow when setting new fitness goals is to create a maintainable workout schedule. It's important to stay consistent with your waist trainer and follow a schedule so that you don't lose sight of your goals. Create a realistic plan of your schedule by starting small before working your way to daily use. 

You'll also want to think about wearing a waist trainer for intense workouts as well. Create a schedule that works for you and remember to wear your waist trainer to the gym. If you're used to the high-compression waist trainer for daily use, you should still consider opting for the hybrid options for intense workouts, as it's a better garment for mobility. 

Choose the Right Workout Gear

Having the right workout gear will ensure that you remain comfortable and also help you to attain your goals. If you're looking for a waist trainer to wear while you work out, then you might want to consider the short torso size. With this size option, you'll have a wider range of motion around your hips, while the trainer focuses on squeezing your core muscles. 

Our size chart has all the information you need to find the perfect fit for you. You can choose from different lengths and sizes. It's best to get a waist trainer that's not too tight, as you don't want to be uncomfortable. You should get the size that fits snugly but still provides the support you need. As you move along in the process, you may find that you need a smaller size because the waist training is working. In that case, weight loss may mean that it's time to get a smaller size.

Other Accessories to Help With Waist Training

In addition to waist trainers, there are other workout accessories that can help you achieve your fitness goals. These accessories can help speed up the results from your waist training and even help you to feel better during the recovery process.

For example, this toning cream can be applied underneath the waist trainer during your workouts for maximum results. Thanks to its heat activation, the cream will help you to burn fat quickly and tone your muscles. In addition, if your core is feeling particularly sore after a workout, this cream can help you recover faster than normal and ease the soreness that you may be experiencing.

Other gear can also help you keep up with your fitness goals along with the waist trainer. This hip resistance band can help tone your leg and hip muscles. Combined with the core-strengthening waist trainer, you can target your mid and lower section all at once.

Find a Waist Training Buddy

Another tip to sticking with your waist training fitness goals is to find a buddy to keep you accountable. When you have another person undergoing the same training, you're more likely to remain consistent and on track with your waist training schedule. So, it might be a good idea to gift a pal a waist trainer and start putting in the work together. 

Shared goals make the whole journey a lot easier. Putting together attainable goals together and then checking in on each other, especially in the beginning, is a smart way to stay on track with your goals. Get together with your friend at the beginning of your training to talk about clear goals and the schedule you both intend to follow. This way, there is no confusion about your daily, weekly, and long-term goals.

Overall, sticking to fitness goals is tough. It requires consistent motivation, dedication, and discipline to stay on track. One of the reasons why people don't stay with their fitness goals is because they don't take small actionable steps. Their goals are too lofty and not realistic. The best way to combat this potential downfall is to set clear, realistic goals and a schedule that you can maintain. 

Waist training is one of the easiest ways to achieve your fitness goals as it doesn't require extra effort on your part. As long as you stay consistent, you'll be able to follow your new year's fitness goals. We have a variety of different waist trainers that are suitable for daily use and also workouts, depending on your fitness goals.
